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Machine knitting increases – the full-fashioned increase and double e-wrap

There are many ways of increasing stitches in machine knitting. Different projects may require different methods. Here we show you several common increase techniques, from the easiest one to the recommended “full-fashioned increase”, and the e-wrap or double e-wrap increase.

This tutorial is done on an LK150 knitting machine, and it should work on other models of knitting machines.

Watch our video tutorial for machine knitting increase techniques

The easiest machine knitting increase

First, the easiest method is to simply pull out one or more needles to the working position and continue knitting.

The downside of this method is the tendency for a gap between the newly increased stitches and the main piece. And because we are increasing the edge stitch, the side edge will show a zig-zag line and not be very smooth.

The improved increasing method – picking up the horizontal bar

The second method is to pick up the horizontal bar of the edge stitch and hang it to the next empty needle. This way, it gap is less noticeable, but there is still an uneven side edge.

The full-fashioned increase

The full-fashioned increase is done by using a 2 or 3 (or more) prong transferring tool and moving the 2 or 3 edge stitches one stitch out. Then pick up the horizontal bar in the next stitch and hang it on the empty needle.

This is the preferred increasing method because the increased stitch is in the middle of the fabric and not at the edge. That makes the side edge smooth and not zigzagged.

The full-fashioned increase creates a slanted line a few stitches away from the side edge.

The simple e-wrap increase for multiple stitch increase

You can increase several stitches at a time by using the e-wrap.

First, pull out the stitches. This should be on the same side as the carriage, so the live yarn is on the right side.

Then e-wrap these stitches just like a standard e-wrap cast on.

Continue knitting as usual.

The double e-wrap cast-on for a sturdy edge

The double e-wrap is similar to the simple e-wrap except you wrap the needle twice. Once in the shaft of the needle and once in the latch. Then pull back the needle to knit that stitch.

We are hand-knitting one row, so this creates a stronger edge than the simple e-wrap.

To make sure the tension is even, you can wrap 2 needles for the first e-wrap, and continue wrapping the first needle in the latch for the second e-wrap.

Keep repeating the double wrapping until the last stitch. Then knit as usual.

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