Classic cable scarf on an LK150 knitting machine
Sometimes a simple design is classical. This cable scarf is knitted with a lot of hand manipulation on an LK150 knitting machine. I use alpaca yarn to make it soft and luxurious.
It does take some time to finish a long scarf with hand reforming stitches, but the technique is simple, so it can be meditative knitting.

The design of the cable scarf
Cast on as many stitches as you like based on your sample. An odd number of cast-on stitches can make the scarf symmetrical.
The yarn I use is the worst weight. Always do a sample first to decide the tension and the look you like.
I started with hand reformed ribbing. To make the stitch manipulation less work, you can reform every 3rd or 4th needle.
Cabled edges
I also have 3 by 3 ribbing on both edges. So it creates a cable curve on the sides and keeps the scarf from curling up too much.
In about every 16 rows, I do a cable crossing. The outer 6 stitches on each side will be the cable stitch, and the 7th stitch (the stitch next to the cable) is a reformed purl stitch. This way, the cable pattern will stand out more.
You can cross the 3 by 3 cable all in the same direction, or play in different directions, such as symmetrical on each side.
Center Cable
The center also has a 3 by 3 cable (3 stitches crossing 3 stitches) with one column of purl stitch next to the cable pattern.
Continue repeating the pattern until the length you like, and then knit the ribbing again to mirror the image of the beginning ribbing stitches. Bind off and weave in the yarn tails.
After steam blocking, it will even out the stitches and make it look more finished.
Infinity scarf variation
You can also make it into an infinity scarf. Just start with waste yarn and finish with waste yarn. After taking it off the machine, do a Kitchener stitch to connect both ends and form a loop. Now it is an infinity scarf!
Watch the video below for the tutorial of the cable scarf on an LK150 knitting machine

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